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Thank you so much for your prayers and support that made e3 Giving Day such a success for my ministry!  Because of your generosity (and I know some of you truly gave sacrificially), I will be able to continue with the ministry that the Lord has called me to, going into all the world with the good news of Jesus Christ.  I could not do this without your prayers and financial support.  I truly appreciate you!!!
If you haven't yet had time, please read BOTH my Fundraising Pages -- for STAFF & for TRIPS.  Go to Donate, then click on TRIPS and enter my name to read about my upcoming trip to the Middle East.  We leave in only 1 month, and our funds are due by October 6.  I know that many of you have already given to my Staff Support, but please pray for my remaining funds to come in for this trip.

Linda Sims' Staff Support Fundraiser
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e3 Partners

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e3 Partners 130M
Plano, TX, US
e3 Partners equips Christians with the training and tools they need to make a lasting i...
This Fundraiser has ended and is no longer accepting funding.

Fundraiser Organizer

Linda Sims
PLANO, TX, United States

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Ended - December 31, 2099
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Linda Sims' Staff Support Fundraiser

by Linda Sims 100 Lives Impacted

LInda Sims retired on 1/1/2017. Her fundraiser is no longer accepting gifts. 

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