Linda Sims' Staff Support Fundraiser
by Linda Sims 100 Lives Impacted
LInda Sims retired on 1/1/2017. Her fundraiser is no longer accepting gifts.
What a blessing each of you are!!! i treasure your friendship more than you'll ever know. In July I'll be taking a team to Thailand to alert villagers to the meaning of human trafficking and share the love of Jesus. We still have 4 spaces on our team and would love for you to go with us. Each of you will have the opportunity of changing the future for a child or teenager and their family be ...
Thank you so much for your prayers and support that made e3 Giving Day such a success for my ministry! Because of your generosity (and I know some of you truly gave sacrificially), I will be able to continue with the ministry that the Lord has called me to, going into all the world with the good news of Jesus Christ. I could not do this without your prayers and financial support. I truly app...
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