Ramsey Family Adoption
by Adam & Kristina Ramsey 1 Lives Impacted
BIG NEWSADOPTION: GOD'S HEART, OUR HEARTFrom the earliest days of our marriage (and for Kristina, ever since she can remember!) we have always want...
So in light of the current instability in the DRC and the uncertainty of when the Exit Visa suspension in that country will lift, we have decided the wisest move for us is to continue our adoption journey domestically in the USA!We've already been presented with several situations from lawyers we have been in contact with, and it appears that we could have a child home with us ANYTIME in the ne...
GOOD NEWS...Our dossier (a gigantic pile of legal forms and supporting documents) has been approved by the U.S Government! This was the final step before being matched with a child through our adoption agency. Now the waiting begins. ...BUT PRAYERS NEEDEDThat said, we are asking for people to pray with us that the recent 'Exit Permit Ban' on DRC adoptions to lift quickly. The DRC has temporaril...
We have great news! Last week we received a super-generous grant from Abba Fund, and we have now saved/fundraised over $21,000! We're not there yet, but we are definitely on track!Thanks to all our friends/fam who have been generously contributing toward our adoption!$16k to go!Love A&K
Our HomeStudy has officially been approved! This is great news as we are now legally able to start applying for grants etc...and the hard work begins: fundraising and waiting.So far we've dropped about $3k of our savings to get the ball rolling, and have several large chunks ($2500, $4500, $890) that are due over the next couple of months. If you can give a tax-deductible donation, pray, or spr...
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