Reed Family Adoption
by Beth 'Hamilton' Reed 2 Lives Impacted Haiti
GREAT NEWS! We've decided to adopt two children from Haiti! We're so excited to give children an opportunity to grow up in our home and teach them ...
Several people have asked us if we decided what to do about the siblings. Right after we started praying about it, we had several close family and friends commit to praying with us. Within 48 hours, every one of us who was praying had a very specific answer: WAIT FOR SIBLINGS TO BECOME AVAILABLE. God used the story of Abraham and Sarah to make his point. This story came to four different people...
We were told yesterday that there are currently no siblings available to adopt from our crèche (orphanage) in Haiti. Please join us in prayer while we try to figure out if we should wait for siblings to become available or if we should just adopt a single child. And feel free to let us know if God gives you an answer for us 😃
So most of you know by now that we have set up an online adoption fundraiser at The first few days after launching this fundraiser, we got a great response and it was really exciting to see people from all over contribute. We had random friends giving us big and little amounts. Even $20 donations made us tear up with gratitude. I started getting a tiny bit obsess...
For those of you who may be wondering where all the money for our adoption goes, here is a simple breakdown of all of our fees (give or take a few $1000)...Application and Program Management fees - $7,400Home Study- $7000USCIS fees - $5000Dossier authentication and translation - $3000Psychological Exam - $1000DNA test and assignment of children - $3850Travel expenses - $1500Additional travel or...
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