23 years old Female Ethiopia
Seble has an amazing voice and loves to sing. She is a bright student and is a senior in university!
Dear Sponsor's of Seble, Seble is finishing her first year at University where she is studying Civil Engineering. Thank you so much for your generous support of Seble! I hope that is ok that I share my prayer for Seble with you her sponsors! Lord Jesus, we thank You so much for such a great salvation that You use Your people to reach, and transform this world one person at a time. Thank you...
Hi there,This is Levi from Elevate Orphan. We want to thank you for your sponsorship of Seble. She is doing great and thriving because of your support! We also wanted to reach out with an update on how she is doing. With quarantine still on in Ethiopia, and school still not started, normal life has been disrupted for all of the kids in our forever families but the moms and aunts are pulling th...