13 years old Female Peru
Adelin loves to read, sing and do handicrafts.
18 years old Female Peru
Waleska loves to draw and do handicrafts.
16 years old Female Peru
Mereyin loves to do handicrafts.
16 years old Male Peru
Bryan loves to draw and dance as well as making creative objects mainly with recycled materials.
Leydi loves to paint and draw.
13 years old Male Peru
Jean loves to draw and do handicrafts.
12 years old Male Peru
Anderson loves to dance and draw.
18 years old Male Peru
Jeremy loves to play football.
Jimena loves to dance and play outside in open spaces.
Jackie loves art and is very creative!
Mariana loves art and is good as what she does!
17 years old Male Peru
Rodrigo loves to draw and play football.
17 years old Female Peru
Xiomara loves all forms of art.
Aymar loves to dance paint and draw.