Cyannie Galdamez
8 years old Female Belize
Cyannie is an infant 2 (2nd grade) student at St. Micheal's Primary School
8 years old Female Belize
Cyannie is an infant 2 (2nd grade) student at St. Micheal's Primary School
10 years old Male Belize
Mario is a standard 2 (4th grade) student at St. Martins Government School. His greatest interest is playing football.
13 years old Female Belize
Lily is a standard 5 (7th grade) student at United Evergreen Primary School.
13 years old Female Belize
Sheily is a standard 6 (8th grade) Saint Martin's Government School
12 years old Female Belize
Litzy is a standard 4 (grade 6) student at Saint Martin's Government School. She enjoys drawing and wants to become a professional artist one day.
16 years old Male Belize
William is a sophomore student at Belmopan Comprehensive High School.
10 years old Male Belize
Joshwa is a standard 2 (4th grade) student at KuxlinHa Government School.
14 years old Male Belize
Adrian is a standard 5 (7th grade) student at Kuxlin Ha Govt School. He wants to become an engineer when he gets older.
14 years old Male Belize
Angel is a standard 6 (8th grade) student at Kuxlin Ha Govt School
10 years old Male Belize
Christopher is a standard 2 (4th grade) student at St. Martin's Government School
8 years old Male Belize
Christopher is a standard 3 (grade 5) student at Kuxlin Ha Primary School.
12 years old Male Belize
Jayvane is a standard 3 (grade 5) student St Martin's Govt School. He wants to become a teacher when he gets older.
11 years old Male Belize
Ulises is a standard 3 (grade 5) student at Saint Martin's Government School
11 years old Female Belize
Jaychelle is a standard 3 (grade 5) student at St Martin's Govt School. She wants to become a police officer when she gets older.
9 years old Female Belize
Leilani is an infant 2 (2nd grade) student at Kuxlinha Primary School. She wants to be a teacher when she grows up.