Beverly Rhamdas
17 years old Female Belize
Beverly is junior student at Pallotti High School. She enjoys playing volleyball, baseball and Roblox. In her spare time she enjoys creating art pi...
17 years old Female Belize
Beverly is junior student at Pallotti High School. She enjoys playing volleyball, baseball and Roblox. In her spare time she enjoys creating art pi...
12 years old Female Belize
Khalifa is a standard 3 (grade 5) student at Belize Elementary School. She enjoys reading fun and exciting books.
17 years old Male Belize
Abijah is a standard 4 (6th grade) student at Ladyville Seventh Day Adventist School
18 years old Female Belize
Denisha is a junior student at Ladyville Technical High School.
18 years old Female Belize
Rufina is a senior student at Edward P York High School. She is big on the digital aspect. Nailah enjoys editing and software.
13 years old Male Belize
Lincoln is a standard 5 (7th grade) student at Ladyville Seventh Day Adventist
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