Post Mweruka Junior School Sponsorship Program
Education beyond Primary School in Uganda is not a free. Sponsoring a student in High School, Trade School, or University allows he or she to reac...
Education beyond Primary School in Uganda is not a free. Sponsoring a student in High School, Trade School, or University allows he or she to reach their full potential.
Many children are capable and want to advance their education beyond primary school. If a child is a Candidate for High School, Trade School or University, support of that child is possible. To advance beyond high school means leaving the village and boarding at a school. The cost for tuition, books, room and board varies but for high school it is approximately $65/month. It is such a blessing to the child if a sponsor decides to develop a longer relationship with their sponsored child through his/her secondary school years
Sponsoring a child is more than just giving money. Your sponsored child will regard you as a gift from God and will pray for you each day as well as write letters to you. A relationship will begin that will change you and your sponsored child’s life forever!