Dieunison Phylogene
20 years old Male Haiti
Djieunison was born on October 12, 2004. Although he is young, he has experienced much heartache and pain in his short life. Prior to being brought to Chanje Lakay, Djieunison’s parents separated. At the time of their separation Djieunison’s dad left for the United States, leaving him, along with his brother and sister, with their newly single mother. Unable to cope with losing her husband, and the pressure of providing for her three children, Djieunison’s mother became mentally unstable. Although we do not know the severity of her illness, as a result, Djieunison was taken to live at Chanje Lakay.
Growing up in an unstable family with no education proved hard on Djieunison. As we got to know him more, enrolled him in school, and watched him grow, it became apparent that his pace of learning was much slower than the other children. However, despite this, Djieunison is happy and healthy and loves living at Chanje Lakay. He is full of joy, loves to play and eats like a horse!