Kaitho Raphael
15 years old Male Haiti
Kaitho was born on July 2, 2009. Even though Kaitho is a young boy, he has seen much heartache and trauma in his life. He comes from a large family of eight and the struggle to sustain basic daily necessities, and provide an education for the whole family, has always been difficult. Despite the fact that both his parents are still alive, they are no longer together. When he was only three, his father was sent to prison for blinding his mother. After his father went to prison, what little his family had was completely taken away. As a single mother, trying to provide for six children proved to be extremely difficult.
As a result, she began selling Charcoal in the city of Bellanton, not far from where Chanje Lakay is located, to try and provide for her very large family. Despite her best efforts, she could not provide for her six children or afford their education, and ultimately, decided to bring Kaitho, and his younger sister Eliza, to Chanje Lakay. In addition, some of his other siblings were also sent to live in shelters across Haiti. Even though his family has been separated, his mother lives nearby and makes time to visit the shelter. Today, Kaitho’s life is much different. He is happy and healthy and you will never see him without a smile on his face!