Word Made Flesh Bolivia
by Word Made Flesh 3K Lives Impacted
Vision Abundant life for those affected by prostitution in Bolivia.Mission In community we seek to practice and proclaim the Kingdom of God among p...
She showed up at our doorstep over a decade ago. We were young and inexperienced, innocently suspicious of the audacious stories she told. Terrified, she quickly and quietly told of a large web of prostitution and trafficking throughout the cities of El Alto and La Paz, surreptitiously known as “La Casa Blanca,” or “The White House” for the number of political figures that frequented.
She recounted her horrific experience of being gang raped for days and left pregnant. And then later detailed the satanic ritual that led to a forced abortion and human sacrifice.
When she found herself pregnant again, she fled for her life and that of her baby. We did all we knew to do at the time: purchase a return bus ticket to her hometown in Brazil. And we never heard from her again.
Read more here on our blog: http://wordmadeflesh.org/god-transformed-darkness-beacon-light/
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