Word Made Flesh Bolivia
by Word Made Flesh 3K Lives Impacted
Vision Abundant life for those affected by prostitution in Bolivia.Mission In community we seek to practice and proclaim the Kingdom of God among p...
Dear faithful supporters and intercessors, I wanted to let you know that our giving platform has changed, and donations will no longer be received here through Pure Charity. I apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your ongoing engagement, which is a constant encouragement to us. Your generosity enables WMFB to continue providing supportive services like counseling, intensive therap...
Dear Abolitionists, We're celebrating a year of explosive growth! One which would not have been possible without your partnership and prayers. Thank you so much!We hope you're encouraged in knowing that your giving has made a significant impact in Bolivia. We are grateful. Click here to read the full report.
Dear Friends, We’ve got lots to celebrate this year! And we wanted to thank you for being a part of it all. Together we reached over 2,800 women and children affected by sexual exploitation in the cities of El Alto and La Paz, Bolivia. Children who hid in fear, now dream and play. Women who carry the weight of many sins, now feel safe and empowered. And from that place of stability, Christ is i...
In case you missed it, we've created a Holiday Giving Guide with unique ways to give in a simple, meaningful way this year. It's full of tangible ideas to connect loved ones with the work here in Bolivia. Take a look and let us know what you think!
“I wish everyone would stop talking about him like he was a drug dealer and a gangbanger. As if that makes it okay that he was killed.” In the book, “The Hate U Give,” by Angie Thomas (Harper Collins, 2017 New York Times best seller), righteous indignation swells in the main character Starr over the killing of her teenage friend Kahlil at the hand of the police. His death blanketly affirmed by...
Thank you for investing in the work of Word Made Flesh in Bolivia. Below is a link to our annual report. We invite you to read more about what we've accomplished together the past year. We couldn't have done it without you! Thank you!! WMFB 2017 Annual Report
The small group meeting had just ended and everyone filters away to their homes. The matron of the family gathers us together around the table and begins, "We saw your call for help for Wanda,* and we want to help.” All the family nods in agreement.“We have a stove that was a wedding present from my father. I’ve kept it all these years and it still works great!” She beams, "I began my catering ...
This spring, I visited Vanessa’s* to share Sunday lunch and a rite-of-passage tradition for her toddler. She received me in her stepmother’s home, one of two living relatives in her life. I cut her toddler’s hair for the first time – the hair he entered this world with – which now designates me as his godmother. Afterwards, we shared a simple meal of rice and steamed vegetables with mayonnaise....
She showed up at our doorstep over a decade ago. We were young and inexperienced, innocently suspicious of the audacious stories she told. Terrified, she quickly and quietly told of a large web of prostitution and trafficking throughout the cities of El Alto and La Paz, surreptitiously known as “La Casa Blanca,” or “The White House” for the number of political figures that frequented.She recoun...
As soon as I arrived, I became an emotional wreck for days, feeling the tears well up inside me at any given moment and for no explainable reason. After a sob therapy session, I took some time in the prayer room to quietly reflect. I tried to breathe deeply, to quiet my body and mind that had been racing in preparation for this trip.I began to walk the labyrinth in the center of the room, slowl...
In the red-light district a block from our ministry center, there are 500 beds. As we do every Christmas, we enter each of the fourteen brothels there donning Santa Claus hats and proclaiming the gospel through Christmas carols. (Read more here.) The administrators were, as always, remarkably accepting; some even genuinely enjoying the cheerful invasion.One administrator in particular pulled ...
Although she visited our ministry center years ago, she wasn´t quite ready for change. But when she hit rock bottom, she knew where to turn for help. Desperate, suicidal and scared, she came begging for help to pay for university studies. "I'll do everything I can to study hard!" Read more of Analise's story here: http://us4.campaign-archive2.com/?u=5a94ed1924ba29a1c943d4ded&id=635f637fab
It’s pouring rain. In a time of the most severe drought this country has known in decades, there’s no room for complaining about the wet and cold. We welcome the storm, although it does complicate our objective. We walk into the first brothel; only red lights illuminate the shadows of utter darkness inside. The heavy smell of incense and alcohol, along with the pulsing music, adds to the stifl...
Children growing up around prostitution are at immense risk of repeating destructive cycles. But we can empower them to change the direction of their lives! At Word Made Flesh Bolivia every child and adolescent is honored. Every one deserves to realize their true identity and to be patiently guided along the journey of realizing who they are in Christ. During this past year, our children’s pr...
Hello Friends! We have some specific needs to close out 2016 well and begin 2017 strong! What are you most passionate about? Reaching at-risk children? Empowering and employing vulnerable women? Or simply showing love to broken people? Below is a list of immediate needs, with per unit and total cost breakdowns. In total, WE NEED $15,093 before December 31, 2016. We'd appreciate your partnership...
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Word Made Flesh Bolivia is a community of passionate world-changers, who consistently choose hope against the odds, seeking abundant life for prostituted women and their families. Our service is an expression of our faith, a declaration of our belief in an a...
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