Help One Now - Haiti- Aclaprotech- TeacherSalaries
by Help One Now 100K Lives Impacted Haiti
Aclaprotech -- The Academy for CLAssical, PROfessional, and TECHnical Studies -- was founded by Pastor Jean St. Cyr and is currently under th...
Aclaprotech -- The Academy for CLAssical, PROfessional, and TECHnical Studies -- was founded by Pastor Jean St. Cyr and is currently under the joint leadership of Pastor St. Cyr and his son, Junior. It is located directly adjacent to what used to be JP-One, the largest tent city in Haiti and is currently serving over 75 students.
This fundraiser will provide salaries for the teachers of Alcaprotech for an entire year. Haiti does not have an adequate public education system, and teachers are not public employees. They are paid (or not) by the schools themselves, if such payment can be afforded.
providing these salaries, we are helping to ensure that the students of
Alcaprotech are receiving the best possible education by making sure
that their teachers can provide for their own families. In turn, this
will allow the teachers to remain in their positions and give continuity
to the student's education.
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