Help One Now - Haiti- Aclaprotech- Clean Water
by Help One Now 100K Lives Impacted Haiti
Aclaprotech -- The Academy for CLAssical, PROfessional, and TECHnical Studies -- was founded by Pastor Jean St. Cyr and is currently u...
Aclaprotech -- The Academy for CLAssical, PROfessional, and TECHnical Studies -- was founded by Pastor Jean St. Cyr and is currently under the joint leadership of Pastor St. Cyr and his son, Junior. It is located directly adjacent to what used to be JP-One, the largest tent city in Haiti and is currently serving over 75 students.
This fundraiser will provide a clean water access point to Aclaprotech and the surrounding area. Obtaining clean water, which is such a basic human need, is still a struggle for many Haitians, especially in the large city of Port-au-Prince. This clean water system will bring safe, sustainable water to the students of Aclaprotech, and it will also allow Aclaprotech to be a source of blessing and assistance to the community.
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