Hope for Haiti (Phase 1): The Library
by JCI Port-au-Prince, Ouest, Haiti Opportunity
JCI Haiti, one of JCI's 120 member countries, seeks to empower young people to take ownership of their community through the creation of a communit...
In the midst of their rainy season, haiti is at risk for hurricanes and other natural disasters. Join with Jci in constructing new buildings that are sustainable against such devastation!Not only will the Hope for Haiti Community Center provide educational and economic development opportunities for individuals but it will contribute to improving infrastructure so that it can stand against such ...
JCI will be sending Blogger, Jill Filipovic to Haiti in one week to visit the country, investigate the issues and learn how the construction of the Community Center will help to address them!At the end of the month of April, Blogger Jill Filipovic, who writes for the blog Feminste, which is one of the oldest feministe blogs on the internet. The blog is designed and run by women from the ground ...