Restore Life

Restore Life

Atlanta, GA, US

To see all sectors of Grove Park flourish through the dignified empowerment of its leaders, specifically in the areas of dignified housing, job development, and family flourishing.

About This Field Partner

Vision: To see all sectors of Grove Park flourish through dignified empowerment of its leaders. 

Mission: We discover effective leaders, develop local leadership, and disperse resources for the sake of dignified housing, job development, and flourishing families. 

Restore Life Calling and History

“They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.” - Isaiah 61:4

  • 2003-2013: Daniel Iverson led a holistic community development organization in Newark, New Jersey and was trained as a Pastor at Reformed Theological Seminary.
  • 2009: Restore Life was founded by Jim Moon to help his church in Smyrna, Georgia reach the marginalized in their community.
  • 2013: Daniel Iverson met Jim Moon after being called to Atlanta by Perimeter Church to launch a new work in the city focused on holistic renewal.
  • 2014: The Restore Life board hired Daniel Iverson as their new CEO to re-envision and re-tool the organization.
  • 2015: All operations were moved into the Grove Park community of West Atlanta to work alongside Shalom City Church, a Perimeter Church plant Daniel was leading.
  • 2016: Restore Life re-tooled with a new vision for empowering collective impact in Grove Park and opened their first location in partnership with Paradise Baptist Church.

The main supporters of this endeavor have been Perimeter Church, Paradise Missionary Baptist Church, Shalom City Church, Fellowship of Companies for Christ International, and over 100 other committed donors and volunteers who believe in this ministry and the redemptive work Jesus is doing in Grove Park.


*Human Dignity is being compromised because of sin, placing the community at risk. 

Broken systems - Broken stories - Broken solutions

*Competition instead of collaboration = limited, isolated, and unsustainable impact *Residents systemically disempowered to participate in the community’s restoration.


*Vision and leadership that unites community assets around the gospel of Jesus Christ *Effective facilitation of collective impact that restores housing, jobs, and families *Restoration Agents: United and empowered community residents leading the way

We need a backbone organization to put resources and energy into gospel driven collective impact in order for the community to be restored in a just and sustainable manner.

We believe that effective leadership from existing community members is a key component in preventing unhealthy gentrification. With this belief, it is the mission of Restore Life to develop healthy community leaders who can lead the Grove Park community towards a healthy, sustainable, and equitable future. Through the dignified empowerment of our neighborhood leaders, our aim is to see holistic flourishing that stretches across all sectors of the community. As these leaders develop their own businesses, non-profits, ministries, or educational programs, our heartbeat and passion is to ensure that every opportunity for development is accessible. This includes access to funding, volunteers, development trainings, consulting, counseling, and general connections with other successful leaders in the Atlanta community. 

We believe that collaboration is always better than competition, and we believe every person has a good idea worth investing in. 

Fundraisers View all

  • Faith & Finances: Grove Park

    by Restore Life 500 Lives Impacted Atlanta, Georgia, United States

    Faith & Finances: Grove ParkFaith & Finances is a 12-week training that helps bring understanding to the often complicated field of persona...

  • Promise Forever

    by Restore Life 10K Lives Impacted Atlanta, Georgia, United States

    Promise ForeverOur Website: promiseforeverllc.comOur MissionEmpowering youth & young adults to find their purpose and become independently happ...

  • First Light Vision, Inc.

    by Restore Life 1K Lives Impacted Atlanta, Georgia, United States

    I'm getting creative with helping others. I've decided to focus all of my energy on raising awareness of projects affecting [ISSUE(S)]. My Goal is ...

  • First Light Vision, Inc.

    by First Light Vision, Inc. 1K Lives Impacted Atlanta, Georgia, United States

    I'm getting creative with helping others. I've decided to focus all of my energy on raising awareness of projects affecting homeless women and chil...

    $0 Monthly Donations
    • $3,000 Monthly Goal
    • $3,000 Still Needed
  • Ryan's Ministry

    by Restore Life 500 Lives Impacted Atlanta, Georgia, United States

    The decision has been made to follow my passion full-time with helping others, while being creative with ways to do so. I've decided to focus all o...

    $0 Monthly Donations
  • Restoration Studios Mentorship

    by Danny Iverson 5K Lives Impacted Atlanta, Georgia, United States

    VisionThe vision of Restoration Studios is to awaken and develop creative young people who make beautiful and redemptive media that helps our comm...

  • Restoration Studios

    by Restore Life 500 Lives Impacted Atlanta, Georgia, United States

    About: Restore Life is launching in Partnership with Producer/Engineer Jaye Harmon, a fully equipped studio that connects and trains young artist i...

  • Restoration Studios Creative Arts Program

    by Resoration Studios 5K Lives Impacted Atlanta, Georgia, United States

    VisionThe vision of Restoration Studios is to awaken and develop creative young people who make beautiful and redemptive media that helps our comm...

    $7,000 One-time Donations
    $0 Monthly Donations
  • 3276 Days to go
    View Details
    Hammond McEver Support Account

    by Restore Life 500 Lives Impacted Atlanta, Georgia, United States

    Make my heart your heart oh God!About 4 years ago I read a book that changed my life and turned my thoughts on what it means to follow Jesus upside...

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Restore Life

Atlanta, GA, US

To see all sectors of Grove Park flourish through the dignified empowerment of its leaders, specifically in the areas of dignified housing, job dev...

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