Angelina Yulieth Lopez Baquedano
7 years old Female Nicaragua
She likes the color red. She likes to run. She lives with her sister and her brother and her parents. She wants to learn how to bake.
7 years old Female Nicaragua
She likes the color red. She likes to run. She lives with her sister and her brother and her parents. She wants to learn how to bake.
3 years old Female Nicaragua
She likes to play with her dolls. She likes the color pink. She lives with her sister, her mother, and her father.
10 years old Male Nicaragua
He likes the color bright green. He likes to draw. He has a growth problem in his ankle. He wants to be a mechanic.
10 years old Male Nicaragua
He likes the color red. He likes to watch television. He lives with his brother, his mother, and his father. He wants to have a taxi car.
9 years old Female Nicaragua
She likes sleeping. She likes dancing in church. She likes the color red. She wants to be a babysitter.
12 years old Female Nicaragua
She likes the color green. She likes to play dolls. She lives with her brothers, her mother and her grandfather. She wants to be a police officer.
8 years old Female Nicaragua
She likes to play hide and seek with her sisters and friends. She likes the color yellow. She wants to be a firefighter.
5 years old Male Nicaragua
He likes the color blue. He likes to play with cars. He lives with his mother and brothers. He wants to be an electrician.
7 years old Male Nicaragua
He likes the color black. He likes to ride a bicycle. He wants to be a firefighter.
7 years old Male Nicaragua
He likes red. He likes to run. He lives with his mother, his little sister, and a lot of other family. He wants to be a police officer.
8 years old Male Nicaragua
He likes the color blue. He likes playing with his friends and painting. He wants to be an engineer.
5 years old Male Nicaragua
He likes the color green. He lives with his parents. He likes to play running. He wants to be a veterinarian.
14 years old Female Nicaragua
She lives with her parents, her three siblings (who are part of the study program). She loves to dance. She is in the dance group at Church. She al...
15 years old Male Nicaragua
He likes to go to church. He lives with his mom and dad. He loves to smile.
11 years old Female Nicaragua
She likes the color red, she likes to study, she lives her grandmother. She wants to get degree in accounting. Birthday is April 29
14 years old Female Nicaragua
Genesis Rachel Huembes Guerrero 14 years old. She likes the color purple, she likes being on her cell phone, she lives with her parents and two sis...
10 years old Female Nicaragua
Leissel Nicole Icabalceta Torrez 10 vears She likes color pink, she likes watching televisión, she lives with her parents and her sister. She wants...
10 years old Female Nicaragua
Reyna Isabel Flores Zamora 11 years She likes the color blue, she likes to play doll, she lives with her mother and grandmother. Birthday is August 19
9 years old Female Andorra
Marcela Yojave Calero 9 years She likes the color Pink, she likes to study english, she lives with her mother and her grandmother. She wants to be ...
8 years old Male Nicaragua
William Sebastian Martinez 8 years He likes the color green, he likes to plays cars, he lives with his dad, grandmother, aunts. He wants to be a ve...
5 years old Male Nicaragua
Maycol Isaac Vasquez Salas 4 years He likes the color Orange, he likes to play basketball, he lives with his parents and his brother. He wants to b...
8 years old Female Nicaragua
Viviam Lucia Romero 7 years She likes the color red, she likes to play doll, she lives with her grandmother, her cousin, her sister and her stepfat...
12 years old Male Nicaragua
Moises Abraham Zamora Solis 12 years He likes the color green, he likes to play soccer, he lives with parents amd two brothers. He wants to be a la...
8 years old Female Nicaragua
Xiclaly Azucena Gutierrez Gonzalez 8 years She likes the color Pink, she likes playing with dolls. She lives with her grandmother. She wants to be ...