Eric is an exceptional young boy that has had to overcome many obstacles to take and do well on his primary school exams. He will need extra care over school breaks and requires a sponsor that will be committed to him over the next four years!
To protect the privacy of the youth that are sponsored through our program and to prevent as many unintended consequences that we can or can not foresee, we have decided not openly to share the individual pictures at this time. In some cases, the girls also have children. Once you become a sponsor, we will gladly share photos, a more detailed story, and updates on the student with you. You also become apart of The Soil, our exclusive sponsorship club.
We understand that this may pose some accountability questions about our program, so we are happy for you to contact us for a personal conversation and more vetting about our process. The protection of the youth is our top priority. However, we would also like you to be comfortable partnering with us.