LLU STUDENTS ONLY!!! *DEPOSIT IS NON-REFUNDABLE* Passport must have at least twelve (12) months validity and at least two (2) blank pages.
Join SIMS to bring holiday cheer to the children of Pan American Health Services (PAHS), a nutritional rehabilitation center for children under 5 years of age located in the mountains of North Central Honduras. For more than 10 years, SIMS has been taking trips to PAHS, participating in the ongoing projects and activities of the rehabilitation center and outpatient clinic. SIMS teams have provided medical and dental clinics for the PAHS community, mobile clinics to rural villages, public health education programs, child therapy programs, and more. Students also participate in a large Christmas fiesta for the children and most importantly, spend time caring for, playing with, and loving the PAHS children.
Before Registering for this trip, please visit the SIMS Group trip FAQs by clicking here
Kevin Gonzalez and 5 others are participating in this trip.
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