Laundry Love Captial Region
by Kathryn Murdock 2K Lives Impacted
Did you know that over people or 24.5% of residents live in poverty in Albany, N.Y.? This is a staggering 35.8% higher than the national average in...
Did you know that over people or 24.5% of residents live in poverty in Albany, N.Y.? This is a staggering 35.8% higher than the national average in 2018.
In 2018, Albany’s unemployment rate was 3.6 % and the median income in Albany was $43,790 with a median income of $64,894 for all of New York State. The cost of living index is 7.7% higher in Albany than the overall US average. Albany also ranks 11.3 on the health index with 100 being the healthiest, and ranks a 5 (highest need) on the socioneeds index created by Conduent Healthy Communities Index.
On average, a load of laundry including soap and dryer sheets costs about $7.50 - $9.00. The average US home washes 6.5-7 loads of laundry a week. For someone who relies on the local laundromat, that is $48.75-$63 a week or $195 - $252 a month in laundry costs. This is money that could be used to feed a family, pay a bill, or fill a tank of gas to get to and from work.
Progressive Primary Care Solutions (PPCS) and Rocco’s Laundromat, located at 220 Lark Street in Albany, N.Y. are teaming up to open the third Laundry Love Program organized by PPCS; to provide free laundry services, laundry soap and dryer sheets to members of the CapitalRegion beginning Valentine’s Day, Feb 14, 2020.
We believe that clean clothes and laundry are among the most important basic human needs for each individual. With clean clothes an individual is better equipped to gain employment, maintain employment, live a healthier life, and improve self-esteem and mental health.
Please help us grow our Laundry Love program in the Capital Region by donating today! Any amount will help and we hope you will share the opportunity to donate to our program with your friends and family near and far.
We appreciate the support and look forward to your donation.
Kathryn M Murdock, MSN, RN, NE-BC, CMPE
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